martes, 26 de junio de 2012

DIY Black diagonal french with withe dots.

1. Start with the base coat to protect your natural nails

2. Paint your nails in a jade color (apply 2 coats), make sure your nails are completely dry before moving on to the next step.

3. Use tape and cover the middle of all your nails in diagonal.

4. Paint in black the part that is not covered and wait for the nails to dry

5. In the border line of the masking tape draw a ‘French with line’ style.

5. Make some white dots in the black part.

6. Once the 5 step is completely dry remove the masking tape carefully and finish all with a top coat.

 I hope you liked this post and the results are useful for you!

♥Freaky Fashion Friday Experience

3 comentarios:

  1. Love it!!! Im now following your blog...trying to a few half as good as you on this nil polish artwork! U r really talented...


  2. Oh cool!! I never thought I using tape before, but I'm excited to try it and see how it turns out! I like the diagonal look!
